Digital Real Estate: 5 Real Ways to Make Money

Digital real estate refers to any property on the internet. For example, it might include owning a website, starting a social media account, or even buying a cryptocurrency.

Ways to Make Money with Digital Real Estate

Start a Blog

One of the simplest ways to own digital real estate is by purchasing a URL and starting a blog. Owning a URL is similar to buying a plot of land, whereas creating a blog is like building a house on that land. Land is unique and scarce.

Set up an E-Commerce Store

You could purchase a website and build your online store or leverage an existing platform such as eBay or Amazon to set up shop.

Build a Mobile Application

Mobile apps take up digital real estate in iPhone and Android stores and on your phone’s homepage. There are various ways to make money from a mobile application, including in-app ads, purchase fees, or affiliates.

Develop a Social Media Presence

You don’t have to own a website to enjoy your slice of digital real estate. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, allow you to own your piece of the internet by simply creating an account.

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