10 Hypothetical Outcomes of a $20 Minimum Wage Policy

10 Hypothetical Outcomes of a $20 Minimum Wage Policy

Increasing the minimum hourly wage to twenty dollars can mean many things. It can start many good things that can improve the standard of living, but on the other hand, some opinions are that it can trigger horrible stuff too.   1. Living Expenses Would Increase While many agreed with “Cost of living would rise,” … Read more

12 Jobs That Would Deter People From Dating

Woman amazing reaction

When it comes to dating and relationships, certain factors can influence how people perceive potential partners. One such factor is the type of job a person holds. While job choice does not define an individual, it can significantly impact romantic prospects for various reasons. Some jobs might evoke concerns, discomfort, or practical challenges that deter … Read more

12 ‘Rich People’ Things Normal People Wish They Could Experience

12 'Rich People' Things Normal People Wish They Could Experience

Imagine a world where luxury knows no bounds and opulence reigns supreme. For the majority of normal people, the allure of experiencing the extravagant lifestyle of the rich is a captivating daydream. From private jets soaring through the skies to lavish vacations in exotic locations, there are numerous ‘rich people’ things that evoke envy and … Read more

10 Significant Things the Poor People Know That the Rich Don’t

10 Significant Things the Poor People Know That the Rich Don’t

The wealth disparity between the poor and the rich grows ever greater daily. With the two living completely different lifestyles, here’s a look at ten essential things the poor people know that the rich don’t, according to the internet. 1. The Exact Price of Everything If you’ve not looked at your grocery receipt recently, chances … Read more
